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Last updated: February 4, 2024

Useful File Utilities

Asked questions and answers

Using application

Q: What is a plug-in?
Q: What is a basket drive?
Q: How I can work with plug-ins?
Q: How I can easily rename a directory? The current name of the directory should be given as the default!
Q: How I can delete all bak files from directory and from subdirectories?
Q: Can I use UFU for searching of MS Word and MS Excel files by text string?
Q: Can I process files from subdirectories? I want to rename files from directory which have subdirectories.
Q: How to move program settings to another computer?
Q: How options "whole word" in REPLACER works?
Q: Will your product allow me to copy over all the files in each of the subdirectories, over into a new single folder, without copying over the subdirectory itself?

Batch Replacer

Q: Some text here that always ends with apostrophe and CRLF" but sometimes it end with only CRLF. I need to find if some lines NOT have "#13,10# and Remove the CRLF and then add CRLF". Please help on how to accomplish this by using "Batch Replacer".
Q: Can I replace non-printinting characters?
Q: Is there a wildcard I can use to grab and replace ALL the text?
Q: Is it possible to specify control characters (ie tab) in search/replace strings?
Q: I want to replace a text string of unkown length starting with P and ending with CRLF (#13,10#). How to do it?
Q: Am I able to perform operation which is to delete or replace all the text between two strings?

Answers regarding using of Useful File Utilities

Q: What is a plug-in?

A:  Plug-in is standalone module which can process files selected in program. All plug-ins made by ReplSoft Inc. is free for registered users.

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Q: What is a basket drive?

A:  Basket drive is a list of files. It contain only links to files and it helpful for works with files. Basket can contain links to files which placing on different disks. Even on a network drives.

If you want to process files from directory and from it's subdirectories you can send all files from that directory to the basket. Just select this directory and press to a button "Send to basket" or through pressing F5 or F6 key (no matter). After that set basket drive as current and select files which you want to process (There are many way how you can select files. See help file). Besides you can send files found by Finder to the basket for processing their in the future.

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Q: How I can work with plug-ins?

A:  For work with plug-ins you must select some files, which you want to process and load necessary utility from menu\plug-ins.

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Q: How I can easily rename a directory? The current name of the directory should be given as the default!

A:  In the file panel select the directory and press Shift+F6. This opens the rename window. To rename the directory, type the new name and press Enter key.

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Q: How I can delete all bak files from directory and from subdirectories?

A:  You can send all files from that directory and from subdirectories to a basket drive. Select bak files in basket drive by pressing to a Num Plus key and entering extensions of bak files. After that press Del or F8 key and options - "Delete from disk" enable. When you press to button "Ok" operation shall start. That possibility apeares in UFU version 1.16.

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Q: Can I use UFU for searching of MS Word and MS Excel files by text string?

A:  Yes, you can make full search in MS Office files.

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Q: Can I process files from subdirectories? I want to rename files from directory which have subdirectories.

A:  You can send all files from that directory and from subdirectories to a basket drive. Just select the directory and press to button "Send to basket". After that set basket drive as current and select files which you want to process (There are many way how you can select files. See help file).

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Q: How to move program settings to another computer?

A:  Just copy file ufu.ini from one computer to another.

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Q: How options "whole word" in REPLACER works?

A:  When this options is enabled, program find word placed between not alpha symbols. For example - between space and comma. This allows find such string as @Value. It useful for work with pas files.

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Q: Will your product allow me to copy over all the files in each of the subdirectories, over into a new single folder, without copying over the subdirectory itself?

A:  No problem. Follow the current steps:

1. Send all file names from a directory which contain subdirectories to the BASKET drive. For make so you need to move cursor in the file panel to that directory and press to the "Send to Basket" button. Also you can make this operation with pressing to F5 and selecting "Send to Basket" checkbox in the appearing window.
2. Set BASKET drive in the one file panel. In the other file panel you need to go to the directory you want to copy all files. You can select the BASKET drive like other disks by pressing to Alt+F1 or Alt+F2.
3. Select needed (all) files in the BASKET drive and copy or move them to the single directory. Press to the F5 for copying operation. Or press to the F6 for moving operation.

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Answers regarding using of Batch Replacer

Q: Some text here that always ends with apostrophe and CRLF" but sometimes it end with only CRLF. I need to find if some lines NOT have "#13,10# and Remove the CRLF and then add CRLF". Please help on how to accomplish this by using "Batch Replacer".

A:  First of all you can replace "#13,10# to symbol which is not presented in your document. For example to 0 or 255 or another which is look as #0# or #255#. And your document not contain "#13,10#. After that reload Batch Replacer and replace #13,10# to CRLF". Also you must replace #0# to "#13,10# back.

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Q: Can I replace non-printinting characters?

A:  Yes. For this work we made external utility (plug-in) - "Batch Replacer". With use of this utility you can find any character in text by ASCII code of this character. Before code you must entered special symbol #. For example #13,10#. "Batch Replacer" supports all characters, which has ASCII code from 0 to 255.

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Q: Is there a wildcard I can use to grab and replace ALL the text?

A:  Utility "Batch Replacer" have a wildcard which allows to delete all information from files. Files will have length equal to a length of a new text. For make it input #*# in the "Find this string" field. And in the "and Replace with" field enter a needed text.

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Q: Is it possible to specify control characters (ie tab) in search/replace strings?

A:  In "Batch Replacer" you able to specify any character in the search/replace string by the code of this character. Code is entered between two symbols #

#9# - Specify tab character (it have code 9);
#13,10# - Specify CR and LF characters.
#0# - Specify null character and so on.
#9,13,10,0# - Specify four characters by the code.

You able to specify any code from 0 to 255.

For example you need to replace word1 and word2 which is divided by the tab character then you need to enter "word1#9#word2" in the search string (without quotes).

In the replace string you able to specify any character by the code too.

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Q: I want to replace a text string of unkown length starting with P and ending with CRLF (#13,10#). How to do it?

A:  Symbols #*# in the "Find this string" field allows to find string of unknown length. So expression P#*##13,10# will find string of unknown length starting with P and ending with CRLF.

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Q: Am I able to perform operation which is to delete or replace all the text between two strings?

A:  Symbols #*# between two strings in the "Find this string" field allows to find text between these two strings. So expression <HTML>#*#</HTML> will find all the text within html body. If "and Replace with" field will be contain <HTML>#13,10#</HTML> it allows to clear all text in html file between <HTML> and </HTML> tags.

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